We are avid readers of the latest and greatest golf titles that aim to raise our game. Following is a selection of some of our newly published favorites, as well as others that we consider classics of the genre. We will add to this list as new titles catch our attention.
Phil Mickelson’s Secrets of The Short Game
Lefty is up to his same old tricks in this book—but this time, he’s letting you in on some of his secrets. You still may not become a flop-shot savant like Mickelson after reading this book, but you’ll learn some practical insights that can immediately lower your score.
Dave Stockton’s Unconscious Putting
Dave Stockton is one of hottest putting instructors in professional golf, and now he’s giving the rest of us a window into his winning touch. Along the way, Stockton steers you away from mechanical thoughts and toward a more intuitive approach.
Stan Utley’s The Art of Putting
This seminal work by short game guru Stan Utley is perfect for those who want to pursue a feel-based arcing stroke, as opposed to a straight-back-and-through stroke. Utley preaches against rigidity, favoring a nuanced approach that can help some golfers unlock their natural abilities. $16.50 on.
Tiger Woods: How I Play Golf
Are you getting tired of waiting for Tiger Woods to return to form? Then travel back in time, when his form was at its finest. Originally published in 2001, this book is a classic that showcases Tiger’s tips and techniques when he was at the peak of his game. It offers keen insights for golfers of all skill levels, and has a timeless quality that will endure for years to come.
The Match
Transport yourself back to the golden age of golf and an epic round at Cypress Point on the Monterey Peninsula as author Mark Frost documents an impromptu match between Ben Hogan and Byron Nelson and amateurs Harvie Ward and Ken Venturi. It’s a riveting read that will make you want to dig out your persimmon wood and head for the coast.
Michael Breed’s 3-Degree Putting Solution
In his new book The 3-Degree Putting Solution, Breed—a leading instructor and host of The Golf Fix on the Golf Channel—advocates pressing the putter forward at address and de-lofting the putter to establish a negative dynamic loft of three degrees at impact. Why? Because according to Breed’s research, it’s the best way to impart immediate topspin, which in turn yields a number of salutary performance benefits.
Putter Perfection
Okay, you can call it shameless self-promotion, but this groundbreaking putter fitting guide by PutterZone.com editor Sean Weir has earned praise from the New York Times, Golf.com, GolfDigest.com and The Hacker’s Paradise, among others. Simply put, if you want to maximize your putting potential, you need a putter that fits—and Putter Perfection will help you find one.
I have read many of the listed books and would like to recommend a couple more. They are "Triangulate Your Golf Swing" and "Why Isn't Golf Fun Anymore."